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Five tracks and an album in conversation
Gi’ MUSIKKEN et lyt. In his podcast, Casper Hasle Laursen invites musicians and music lovers to present five tracks and one album that...
Minor and Mozart according to Lasse D. Hansen
DR P2. Yesterday, I joined Nina Ørum on the Danish Broadcasting Corporation ( DR) P2’s “Foyeren” for a discussion about the evolution of...
The musical drama of “Hadestown” on “Værings musiklytteri”
Recently, I had the pleasure of being a guest on Trinelise Væring’s inspired and meticulous podcast on , “Værings...
“Tuttis eventyr” and “Hvalens undervandssang” featured in DR P2’s Puls
DR P2. Malene Wichmann from DR P2 interviewed me on yesterday‘s episode of “Puls” about Tuttis eventyr (“Tutti‘s Adventures”) and the...
The music of 2123 according to Lasse D. Hansen
DR P2. This Friday I guested Benedikte Granvig in “Foyeren” at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s P2. The show’s theme was the year...
Flere favner folkemusik
DR P1. I visited “Kulturen” on Danish National Radio‘s P1 this afternoon for a 30 min. focus on why folk music is expanding right now....
Interviewed by Kristian Kløvedal Lassen #2
Lassen Music Academy podcast. The second part of a long interview about theater music, composing with improvising musicians and writing...
Interviewed by Kristian Kløvedal Lassen #1
Lassen Music Academy podcast. The first part of a long interview about going to work as a creator, about recognizing your inner...
American contemporary classical according to Lasse D. Hansen
DR P2. This Friday I guested Benedikte Granvig in “Foyeren” at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s P2. The show’s theme was American...
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