This year Mathias Madsen Munch and I are directing a new outreach program during the 75th UNM Festival (Ung Nordisk Musikfestival).
From the 7th to the 14th of August of 2021 six young composers/musicians will participate as workshop leaders at the very first UNM Outreach program, with workshops carefully selected by an independent jury from the Nordic region to be realized during the festival.
The 2021 Outreach program will be a week-long program for innovative composers, performers, social entrepreneurs, community developers, and teaching artists in the musical utopia Aarhus dedicated entirely to presenting adventurous contemporary music to groups who wouldn’t get to know it otherwise. Dedicated, in short, to outreach.
In the months predating the festival, the Outreach workshop leaders will develop a unique musical composition workshop supervised by composers and Outreach program directors Lasse D. Hansen and Mathias Madsen Munch.
The program will include intense work with their workshop participants, multiple daily sessions with fellows, faculty, and special guests, and will conclude with an open lab presentation of the exciting new music created and performed by the workshop participants.
The program will also feature multiple concerts during the festival, an extended seminar with some of the most innovative outreach mentors and teaching artists in Denmark, free events in the community, and more.