In a few weeks I will be conducting the premiere of “DAWN” for Bona Fide & Århus Sinfonietta during this year’s SPOT Festival.
“DAWN” reaches gently for the past and pushes strongly to the present. The work is written by the band Bona Fide for the Århus Sinfonietta and consists of a number of musical spaces that work with themes such as longing, faith, hope, memory and repetition.
In the 35-minute work, the Goth-folk band Bona Fide merges with the classical ensemble Århus Sinfonietta into a new genre-breaking prism that stands with outstretched hands against early country, rock and modern compositional music.
// TIME & PLACE //
SPOT Festival, Rhythmic Hall, Musikhuset Aarhus
Free admission with SPOT bracelet
Single ticket: DKK 75 + fee - can be purchased here
Bona Fide
- Sophia Luna Portra, composition and voice
- Emil Palme, composition and guitar
Århus Sinfonietta
Lasse D. Hansen, conductor
“DAWN” is produced in collaboration with SPOT Festival.
“DAWN” is supported by the Statens Kunstfonds Legat- og Projektstøtteudvalg for Musik, Dansk Komponistforening / KODA Kultur, William Demant Fonden, Kulturministeriets Pulje til Kunstneriske sommeraktiviteter 2021 and Musikpuljen i Aarhus Kommune.