The magnificent musicians of Århus Sinfonietta has recorded and released “Birth & Pottery”. Two movements composed by Mathias Madsen Munch and myself in collaboration with midwife and ceramic designer Rikke Høgenhof.
The pieces are composed for “HOUSE”, a story about people in rooms in a city. “HOUSE” is what happens when you team up composers, musicians and a collective in the middle of Aarhus. The project contains 19 new works written for and including the residents of a collective located in Aarhus’ Langelandsgade.
“HOUSE” is supported by Dansk Komponistforening / Koda Kultur, Statens Kunstfonds Komponistaftaler, Aarhus Kommunes Musikpulje, William Demant Fonden, Augustinus Fonden and Solistforeningen af 1921.
Listen here